Previous schemes 10 - photo

Photo title:- Single and two storey side and rear extensions - 2010.
Description:- To extend the existing dwelling for a family dwelling home.
Existing property:- Semi-detached two storey dwelling house. Very rural location & left
empty for many years in poor state or repair.
Clients requirements:- To extend the existing property that was entirely original to form an
extended dwelling house of reasonable size for a young family to a budget cost. This was not maximum
development for the site. To refurbish the existing structures inside & out. To retain cottage feel to the
extended property.
CHP comments - I was given a free hand to propose what I thought was required based upon the
clients brief. As the property was a semi-detached house where the adjoining property had already been
extended & refurbished, we took our design lead from that neighbour to maintain an overall balance to the
Existing front elevation
Existing rear elevation
Finished front elevation
Finished rear elevation
Finished rear elevation
Finished interior 1
Finished interior 2
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