Previous schemes 23 - photo

Photo title:- A tired 1980's detached estate home in Henley on Thames that was in a very
poor state of repair. It was in an unlivable condition for reasons unknown that needed extensive works
even without developing it into two dwellings.
Description:- To extend and sub-divide the property into a pair of semi-detached
Existing property:- Detached two storey classic suburban estate type dwelling house on a large
corner plot that had previously been extended.
Clients requirements:- To extend further and sub-divide the property into a pair of
semi-detached dwellings as a speculative development proposal for a local building developer. To refurbish and
upgrade the property into two modern contemporary homes for resale.
CHP comments - It was clear that the site had development potential for this proposal and a
scheme design was prepared that received formal Planning Approval at the first attempt.
Before - front elevation
Before - rear elevation
Before - stripped internals
Before - stripped internals
After - LHS property front elevation
After - LHS property rear elevation
After - LHS property kitchen
After - LHS property bedroom
After - LHS property bedroom
After - LHS property bathroom
After - LHS property hallway
After - RHS property front elevation
After - RHS property rear elevation
After - RHS property kitchen and living room
After - RHS property hallway
After - RHS property living room
After - RHS property kitchen
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