Previous schemes 9 - photo
Photo title:- Single and two storey side and rear extensions - 2002.
Description:- To extend the existing dwelling for maximum development on the site.
Existing property:- Detached two storey dwelling house.
Clients requirements:- To extend the existing property for maximum development on the site to
form a large family dwelling house. To remove the existing flat roof of previous side extension and replace with a
pitched roof. To incorporate thermal improvements and use of materials, fittings etc. for a low carbon
CHP comments - scheme very much client lead with a good firm brief of requirements. Many
technical challenges along the way which were partly due to 'pushing the boundaries' of the art of the
possible at the time. The extended house was eventually selected as one of the UK "Superhomes" being 1 of less than 200 selected. The "70% carbon saving"
figure refers to the % savings relative to a theoretical house of same type and size - i.e. as (would have
been) built which for this site was the 1950s.
This super insulated and energy efficient house now costs about £500 a YEAR, all in, for gas,
electricity AND water bills (2012 figures) compared to about £3,000 (or much more) for a similar size & age
of property.
Before - Existing dwelling
Before - Existing dwelling
After - Finished extended dwelling
After - Finished extedend dwelling
After - Finished extedended dwelling
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