the Christopher Huntpractice
architectural and building design for residential development


 CIAT - Architectural home extension plans Marlow

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Construction News.

Some interesting news items. 

  • Sustainable homes news1
    Sustainable Homes - latest news for building construction relevant for Marlow High Wycombe and Maidenhead. Zero carbon definition announced In the last month a number of important announcements were made. In particular John Healey MP wrote a statement covering important housing policy issues. The Minister of State's announcements covered: further defining zero carbon, affirming the zero carbon target, announcing Eco Town sites and a consultation on the climate change and renewable energy planning policy statements.
  • Sustainable homes news2
    Sustainable Homes - latest news for building construction relevant for Marlow High Wycombe and Maidenhead. Useful sustainability definitions - zero carbon, PassivHaus and others Often people ask us about what zero carbon and PassivHaus mean and how do they relate to code levels. We thought other people might want to better understand these. We will be adding further definitions over time.
  • Building materials1
    Building materials - In a constantly changing world new building materials, systems and products are constantly being evolved. Here is a list of just a few. A progressive housing association is demonstrating the practicality of genuinely creating lifetime homes with the completion of the first phase of a new development. Margaret Blackwood Housing Association specialises in providing homes for disabled people.
  • Building materials2
    Building materials - In a constantly changing world new building materials, systems and products are constantly being evolved. Here is a list of just a few. BuilderScrap, the website designed by builders for builders, is pleased to announce an exciting new collaboration with Construction Centre for Innovation North West (CCINW) and Salford University. The partnership has been created in order to develop a technology to accurately measure the amount of carbon saved by members of the BuilderScrap website.
  • Building materials3
    Building Materials - In homes at risk of flood damage, tiling floors will enable homeowners to get back to normal much more quickly say The Tile Association. In their publication Prepare your property for flooding The Environment Agency advise, “Flooring: lay tiles with rugs rather than fitted carpets, which often need to be replaced after a flood”. The charity, National Flood Forum, advise modifying the inside of your home to reduce the impact of any future flood.



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Work Areas                 

Architectural and Building Design Services - for planning permission and building regulations within Marlow, High Wycombe, Maidenhead, Bucks, Berks and Oxon areas.

Residential development for household extensions, conversions and new dwellings.

Measured surveys and roof inspection reports. Drawing plans on cad and specifications for planning permission, planning consent, planning approval, local authority approvals, building surveys and party wall act.

Chartered Architectural Technologists belong to CIAT (the Chartered institute of Architectural Technologists).

Key search phrases include - building designers, extend your home, extension guide, permitted development, planning advice, planning guide, planning gain.

Article of the month:- Home building design ideas....

House extension designer marlow high wycombe maidenhead 

Remodeling and Home Design