Previous schemes 22 - photo
Photo title:- A tired 1960's Marlow Bottom Bungalow with an appalling street scene
frontage due to the dilapidated garage leaking water and falling apart. Poor front entrance
provision and no external landscaping or formal off road car parking arrangements.
Description:- To form a new entrance at the lower level and to refurbish the existing garage to
prevent water ingress. To be mobility friendly for better access into the property. There was actually
no instruction or requirement from the client to extend this property but any works must improve its visual
appearance and address the water ingress to the projecting unconnected front detached garage.
Existing property:- Detached chalet style dwelling house of classic early 1960's
Marlow Bottom dwellings as first built.
Clients requirements:- To improve the road frontage appearance and to refurbish the
existing garage to prevent water ingress at the rear.
CHP comments - It was clear that the garage and the existing dwelling needed to be
connected to visually tie in both elements that would afford us the opportunity to remove and cover the
leaking rear gap behind the garage currently allowing in water.
The consequence of this design solution was that it required and resulted in a modest living room extension part
way over the lower level garage. In order to minimise costs the existing dwelling roof was 'cat-slipped' over
the garage and the remaining garage roof was renewed with a pitched tiled parapet around the perimeter.
A lower level dormer was introduced to maintain light and headroom into the extended portion of the living
A front facing side entrance hall and new front door was formed at the lower level with an internal set of
stairs providing a covered access into the main dwellings hallway higher up. The car parking was formalised
with new external landscaping.
Design features and glazed elements were introduced to the new front door for impact and effect
giving a clear and obvious location of how and where to enter the property from the front.
Before - existing front elevation
After - finished front elevation
After - finished front elevation
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